These reclaimed, large, gritstone and/or York stone cobbles come in a random blend of sandy buff to grey.
Larger than most cobbles, they range from 6-8″ wide by 6-8″ deep and are variable in length. Approximately 2.5 – 3 sqm per bag when laid.
Large and distinctive, these cobbles are ideal for driveways, courtyards, entrance aprons or anywhere where traffic might damage softer surfaces. On steep slopes, they provide added grip for vehicles.
These cobbles have well-weathered and rounded tops that have been worn smooth by centuries of wear from iron-shod horses, iron cartwheels and hobnail boots.
NB The colours are random and may change from bag to bag. We recommend the traditional method of mixing from different bags as the cobbles are laid.
(Apologies, but we cannot cherry-pick orders for colour matching on cobbles or setts.)
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